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tirsdag 1. januar 2013

Tim Holtz 12 Tags 2013 "January"

Evening Bloggers and  happy new year to you who are visiting my blog 
Looks like i am been bidden of a mad tag LOL it is soooooo fun to make, was on a blog round this evening and saw that Tim Holtz is doing another " 12 TAGS of 2013" so decided to try to take part in that challenge yes its a big challenge for me as it is not something i do regulary well i didn't had all the things i needed so had to improvise a little bit and here it is 

I didn't had the grungepaper but had some metallic cardstock wich i used my spellbinders geardie and cut out from that CS which i distressed and  inked a bit,  neither did i   have the finger stamp nor the  vial label but had some tickets so used that, i only had a few metalgears which i used, i will try to do all 12 Tags this year , and will have to invest in a lot of Tim Holtz craftgoodies . 

Takk for at du tok turen innom og Velkommen igjen/ thanks for taking the time to visit.

5 kommentarer: sa...

You're off to a great start. I look forward to seeing all of your tags.

Penny sa...

I think you did a great job on this tag! Love all the elements to it! Have fun making them & I'll have fun looking! :^)
Hugs, Penny

Åse-May sa...

Knalltøff tag.....:)

Tuppenshobbyblogg sa...

Ååååå....knalltøff tag med så mange flotte detaljer.
Fantastisk flott !


Unknown sa...

Oh my gosh you have done a great job on this tag! I am going to try to do all of them as well this year, but I know I wont! Cx


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